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David Catrow

David Catrow of the Springfield (Ohio) News-Sun has won two prestigious national awards for illustrating Kathryn Lasky's She's Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head!, a children's book published in 1995 by Hyperion. The book tells how two proper but determined ladies organized the Audubon Society in 1905. It was named the Best Illustrated Childrens Book of 1995 by the New York Times Book Review, and was also selected a Notable Children's Trade Book in the Field of Social Studies by the Children's Book Council/National Council for Social Studies.

Catrow, an ardent bird lover, received a Times Children's Book award in 1992 for illustrating The Cataract of Lodore. Besides syndicating political cartoons, he also illustrates Mike Capuzzo's syndicated weekly pet column, Wild Things.

Revised: February 02, 2007.