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The Gates of the Wind

Illustrated by Janet Stevens

When old Gamma Lee decides to leave the green, peaceful valley where she's lived all her life, her neighbors think she's crazy. "This is the best place in the world!" they always say. But how can Gamma Lee know it's the best place in the world if she’s never been anyplace else? So she packs up her belongings, takes along her faithful mule, and heads up the mountains to a place she has always heard about-the Gates of the Wind.

When she finally arrives, Gamma Lee is ready to build a house and settle in - until she meets the mountaintop's only inhabitant, a fierce wind that doesn't want company. It seems as though everything Gamma Lee does is undone by one gust of the meddling wind. How will she manage to make a life for herself and her mule when all the wind wants is to blow them right back down to the valley?

Revised: February 02, 2007.