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I Have an Aunt on Marlborough Street

If there’s one thing that a little girl named Phoebe likes to do more than anything else, it’s to visit her aunt, also called Phoebe, who lives on Marlborough Street in Boston.

No matter what time of year it is, Aunt Phoebe always has something wonderful planned. In the summer they ride the swan boats in the Public Garden, or wade in the fountains, or fly their kites over the Charles River. In winter they have tea at a fancy hotel, or ice skate on the duck pond, or simply watch the falling snow blanket the old houses in Back Bay.

Kathryn Lasky’s prose and Susan Guevara’s exquisite watercolor illustrations combine to tell a warm story of a girl, her aunt and a timeless city in a way that will delight young readers.

Revised: February 02, 2007.