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The Weaver’s Gift

On a blustery morning in March, on a Vermont farm owned by Carolyn and Milton Frye, a tiny lamb is born. As the couple care for the infant and her mother, making them warm and comfortable in the lambing pen of their barn, they can look forward to the time when the lamb, full-grown, will have a coat ready to be sheared for wool.

Once that sheep is sheared, Carolyn will sort the wool and straighten out its fibers with a carding comb so that it can be spun. Once spun into yarn, the wool may be dyed or left its natural color, and then Carolyn will weave the yarn into something special - a blanket, or a shawl, or anything that takes her fancy.

In this comprehensive look at weaving, Kathryn Lasky not only describes the technical skills involved, but also captures the delicious sounds, smells, and textures of an ancient art. And Christopher G. Knight’s photographs pull the reader into the very essence of the weaver’s world - from the birth of that lamb to the weaving of a blanket for a small child.

Revised: February 02, 2007.